David Braley Health Sciences Centre
100 Main Street West
5th Floor, Room 5003, L8P 1H6
General Inquiries
Courtney Wright
Graduate Officer
P: 905-525-9140 ext. 26798
F: 905-572-7099
E: hsed@mcmaster.ca
Expandable List
Program Related Concerns
The HSED Graduate Officer is available to help guide you through the program and to help navigate challenges affecting your participation in the program. The HSED Graduate Officer can also assist with administrative matters such as leaves of absence, education plans, and change of status.
Course Related Concerns
If you have concerns related to a specific course, your first contact should be with either the Course Instructor or the Course Coordinator. These include course content, grades and any other issues pertaining to the course. If the response from the Course Coordinator is not satisfactory, the next person to contact would be the HSED Graduate Officer.
Personal Concerns
If you have a concern of a personal nature and you do not feel comfortable talking directly to the HSED Program Administration, please contact the Student Wellness Centre (SWC) at 905-525-9140 ext. 27700, or email wellness@mcmaster.ca. SWC provides a range of services for students including counselling, arrangement of student accommodations, assistance with academic writing, and access to medical support. Please visit the SWC website for a detailed list of services and contacts. Student Accessibility Services provides or assists all McMaster students with their academic and disability-related needs. Please visit their website for a detailed list.
Student Ambassador
Student Ambassadors mandates are to provide a channel of communication to potential applicants, engage current students in personal and professional development, and foster relationships with alumni. The Ambassadors are a very engaged and motivated group and they are a great help and resource to the program.
The best way to contact a Student Ambassador is via e-mail. Please put “Question to Ambassador” in the subject line to ensure that your message doesn’t get lost. Please also note that all ambassadors are volunteers as well as current graduate students with busy schedules, so kindly allow 48 hours for their responses.
The current Student Ambassadors for the MSc HSED program are: Kathleen Howcroft and Sakshi Sinha.
Emailing HSED
HSED Program policies require students to direct all communication with the Program through their McMaster email. Please include your student number either in the subject line or the body of the email/communication. Thank you.
HSED General Inquiries
Graduate Officer
Phone: 905-525-9140 ext. 26798
Fax: 905-572-7099
Email: hsed@mcmaster.ca
School of Graduate Studies
Gilmour Hall 212
(905) 525-9140 ext. 23679
Graduate Student Association
Refectory Rathskeller Building
(905) 525-9140 ext. 22043
Office of Academic Integrity
vMUSC 211
(905) 525-9140 ext. 24303
McMaster Research Ethics Board
Gilmour Hall 305
(905) 525-9140 ext. 23142
Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships
Gilmour Hall 120
(905) 525-9140 ext. 24319
Student Accessibility Services
(905) 525-9140 ext. 28652
Student Success Centre
Gilmour Hall 110
(905) 525-9140 ext. 24254
McMaster Library
Mills: ext. 22077
Innis: ext. 22081
Thode: ext. 22000
International Student Services
Gilmour Hall 110
(905) 525-9140 ext. 24254